Attention mountain residents: Recognizing community needs in the age of technology, The Anza Electric Cooperative is partnering with the Riverside County Information and Technology Department and Anza Community Broadcasting KOYT to distribute refurbished desktop computers for free to income qualified residents. These desktop computers come loaded with Windows 10 and Home Office! If you are […]
Fall in love with a new car? Donate your old one! Contact Kars for Koyotes for your 2017 tax deduction! Did you know you can donate your vehicle to support KOYT 97.1 ? If you donate your car, truck, SUV, motorcycle or even an airplane before January 1st, 2018, you may qualify for a 2017 […]
KOYT Koyote Radio is currently OFF AIR on the FM airwaves >> but you can still stream us on computers and mobile devices! The Koyote Radio volunteers are always working hard to improve and expand KOYT! Join the pack as a volunteer, a member, or a donor >> help create YOUR community radio station! […]
THIS SATURDAY! COME ON OUT! @The Anza Community Hall >> 6PM-11PM There will be live music provided by local bands, pizza dinner provided by Pizza Factory Anza (included with entry fee), a beer & wine bar, great prizes to be raffled, and of course dancing!!
Tune in TOMORROW, Friday March 24th, AT NOON! Rock and Blues lunch hour Live stream from the website
Make a lunch date with Liese, our DJ Texas Red Next Wednesday the 15th @ NOON! Set your alarm. Mark your calendar. Tune in!! A lunch hour of Classic Rock with Liese! Listen on your FM dial, or stream it live at our website www.963koyt.org add this event to your calendar
This Friday night @ 9P! An eclectic mix of music about love www.963koyt.org for live streaming.
The Science Series replay of botanist Roy Wiersma’s interview about Luther Burbank’s work on brambles. This Wednesday, January 18th at 6 p.m. Live streaming from our website, or catch us on 96.3 fm on your radio dial.
An eclectic mix of music all about love. Take a walk down heartbreak lane. Tune in at 96.3 FM on your radio dial or live stream on our website.
SATURDAY @ 6PM! “The Artisan Spotlight” With painter Rosalie Grindle! Join us! LIve on 96.3 FM on your radio dial or streaming on our website 963koyt.org DO YOU HAVE AN ARTFORM YOU LOVE!? We’d love to talk with you, and share with our listeners! Email to address: programming@963koyt.org